A big thank you to Cisco (https://www.cisco.com/c/en_uk/about.html) for helping us by spending a day working outside with lots of ground work and projects to help with the Charity.
Special thanks to Suzan for organising the event and to Penny (https://www.pennybird.co.uk/) for some of the photos on the day :)
Tasks completed:
- Putting old fire refuse into a skip
- Moving piles of rubbish into a skip
- Cut back a bun to help with vehicle access to the sanctuary
- Moved some construction materials
- Cleared a very old bonfire ready for wildflowers to be planted
- Cleared fallen branches into piles
- Moved some old pallets
- Cleared a fallen Oak branch and moved the logs
- Cleared dead branches hanging over a field gate
- Planted Hazel saplings
- and more!
If you'd like to help get involved with corporate community days please get in touch with us (hogs@hwhs.org.uk).
Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary (http://www.hwhs.org.uk)
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