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Forget About The New 5G Network, Connect Your Garden To The Urban Hedgehog Highway!

Writer's picture: Hedgehog SanctuaryHedgehog Sanctuary

Updated: Sep 19, 2019

We've seen a lot of media attention recently about the new 5G mobile networks but how about you connect your own Garden to the local Hedgehog Highway and help our wild Urban Hedgehogs!

Harpenden and St Albans Urban Hedgehog Highway Project, Image of Hedgehog

Research by People’s Trust for Endangered Species and British Hedgehog Preservation Society showed a quarter of the UK’s hedgehogs had been lost in just ten years. Close to home there are a range of reasons for this: impermeable fencing is a big issue, along with loss of habitat for nesting and foraging, the effects of certain hazards and certain garden practices.

Take a look at this wonderful 'Hedgehog Close' video created by The British Hedgehog Preservation Society. Wouldn't it be nice if your whole street was connected to the Urban Hedgehog Highway!

All it takes is a small 13cmx13cm hole (about the size of a CD) in the boundary of your garden and the other connecting gardens along your street. You will then have your own Urban Hedgehog Highway that will connect to all the other networks in your area allowing free movement of Urban Hedgehogs. The more gardens we can connect, the further our Hedgehogs can roam and the happier they will be. This is the only way an Urban Hedgehogs will get to visit your garden and maybe even take up residence as their new home.

You can easily create your own Hedgehog Crossing right now by cutting a small hole in your fence. Take a look at the following illustration from The Wildlife Trust for basic 'how to' instructions.

How to make a hedgehog highway

We also sell a Hedgehog Crossing Square Tunnel that can be used as a template or to finish off your lovely new Hedgehog Crossing and let new home owners know what the hole is for!

Hedgehog Crossing Square Tunnel Garden Highway

If you are already one step ahead and have your own Urban Hedgehog Highway Tunnel why not take a look at the following articles for more ways to help hedgehogs that venture in to your garden:

If you live in or around Harpenden or St Albans and would like to help increase awareness and help to promote The Urban Hedgehog Highway, please get in touch with us (



It is important to note that the photos you see of hedgehogs on this website are taken while a hedgehog is in rehabilitation and DO NOT reflect the natural habit of a wild hedgehog. They are nocturnal.

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Registered Charity No.  1190048

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