A huge thank you to the team at TUI (https://www.tuigroup.com/en-en) for coming to Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary for their corporate volunteer day and tackling some of the jobs which are needed to be done, to maintain the sanctuary grounds.
We are always grateful to volunteers who come to Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary and help to undertake the long list of jobs that we have throughout the year.
The TUI volunteers did a wonderful job of moving old wood, breaking up and moving old hutches, painting new fence posts, clearing, weeding and cutting back foliage for our charity.
Visit our website for more information on how your company can help us with your CORPORATE VOLUNTEER DAY https://www.hornbeamwood.org.uk/corporate-volunteer-days
Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary (http://www.hwhs.org.uk)
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