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REQUEST FOR HELP – In Need Of A Second Hand Incubator

Writer's picture: Hedgehog SanctuaryHedgehog Sanctuary

Updated: Sep 19, 2019

We are so very grateful for all the support we have received over the past few years, so many of you have donated food, towels, hutches, hedgehog consumables, monetary donations and their time!

We are in need of your help for a specific very important item, an incubator. A second hand (preferably free) incubator, or ideally two of them, would help us out a huge amount especially at this time of the year. Orphaned baby hoglets cannot regulate their body temperature for the first 4 weeks or so. We are able to heat and keep warm hoglets of 1-2 weeks+ using heat pads but we are having an enormously hard job at heating younger hoglets especially the very young ones that are 1-5 day old.

We would ideally love to have two incubators, one located at Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary for deliveries of new born baby hoglets and, more importantly, a second incubator located at Kate's house. Kate looks after the very young baby hoglets which is hugely time intensive and the most dangerous time and situation hedgehogs have for survival.

If you know of vets or anyone that might have an old incubator kicking about we would really love to make use of it. It does not have to look pretty, just so long as it works.

If we are unable to source second hand incubators I will try to gain funding/part funding for them through a crowd funding platform such as GoFundMe. Or, if anyone else out there would like to help with a fundraiser on our behalf that would be amazing!

Brindsea TLC-40 Eco Intensive Care Unit / Brooder / Recovery Unit
Brindsea TLC-40 Eco Intensive Care Unit / Brooder / Recovery Unit

As an example, the smaller Brindsea TLC-40 Eco Intensive Care Unit / Brooder / Recovery Unit ( would be perfect for hedgehogs. Although these are expensive, I have been in contact with the manufacturer and they have told me they would be able to help us out with a discount. However, second hand incubators would be just fine for our needs.

Thank you.



It is important to note that the photos you see of hedgehogs on this website are taken while a hedgehog is in rehabilitation and DO NOT reflect the natural habit of a wild hedgehog. They are nocturnal.

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Registered Charity No.  1190048

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