As part of the Sustainable St Albans ( Community and Councils drive to building environmental sustainability across St Albans (, Harpenden ( and the villages.

We held our #SustFest19 'Discover Hedgehogs' event this week at Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary. Helping to spread awareness of the troubles our hedgehogs are having and the reasons for their decline in the UK.

We hosted 'Discover Hedgehogs', an educational and awareness visit in partnership with The Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust (
This was an introduction to hedgehogs event with participants learning basic hedgehog facts such as where they live, what they eat, the problems facing hedgehogs and why they’re in decline.

Attendees also received practical advice about how to help hedgehogs in their garden. They also got to meet a rescue hog and find out about basic hedgehog care and handling.