Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary have very kindly been nominated as one of Waitrose Harpenden “Community Matters” (https://www.waitrose.com/home/inspiration/community_matters/about_community_matters.html) Green Token Scheme Charities during the month of May 2019. If you shop at Waitrose it would be lovely if you could drop us a token!

Waitrose Harpenden (https://www.waitrose.com/content/waitrose/en/bf_home/bf/183.html) Community Matters scheme sees a donation shared between three good causes every month as voted for by customers.
As shoppers go through the checkout, they receive a green token to place in a box of the cause they’d most like to support - the more tokens a cause gets, the bigger the share they receive.
Waitrose launched the flagship Community Matters Scheme in 2008 which provides them with an opportunity to give something back to the communities in which they operate. Waitrose devolved decision making to local level giving their customers the opportunity to nominate a local cause close to their heart, Their Partners have the opportunity to decide on the three good cases they wish to support each month through a democratic process. Waitrose customers have the final casting green token vote to decide on the proportion of the £1000 (large shops) and £500 (small shops).
Since 2008 Waitrose have donated over £32 million of their profits to over 100,000 good causes (as of June 2018).