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  • Writer's pictureHedgehog Sanctuary

Lovely gift from Sue - The Rajah of Bong and other Owls, Grahame Dangerfield History

I received an amazing gift from Sue last week :D Sue came up to the sanctuary a couple of months ago for The Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Discover Hedgehogs talk that I run at the Sanctuary.

Grahamne Dangerfield and Caroline

Sue was very interested to hear I talked about Grahame Dangerfield and how I worked with him as a lad. Sue told me she had a book written by Grahame called 'The Rajah of Bong and other owls'. It came to her by chance from a lady called Mrs Armstrong who knew Grahame very well and she thinks worked with him. The book had been sitting on Sue's bookshelf for many years.

You may, or may not know, but as a child in the 80s I used to help Grahame Dangerfield at his Sanctuary in Harpenden. Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary is actually located on the same lands that made up Grahame's Wildlife Sanctuary.

Inside Cover of Owls

Sue wanted it to go to someone who knew Grahame and has a connection with his work. Sue asked if I would like to have it, and I said yes please!

So last week Sue dropped off this book, and what a lovely read it was :D There are so many photos and pictures of the Sanctuary and I can see the very same trees and pens in some of the photos. What a lovely gift, I will treasure it :)

Inside Cover of Owls

Sue also included a donation of £30 for the hedgehogs which was a super generous thing to do, thank you so much.

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