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  • Writer's pictureHedgehog Sanctuary

Huge Collection Of Hand Made Stoneware Hedgehog Ornaments Donated On Behalf Of Violet Freeman

Ian Freeman recently contacted us about his mother Violet (Vie) Freeman who lived in St. Albans all her married life (from 1951), born in London. Ian told us his mother passed away 18 months ago at the grand age of 91 after a good life. Even though Vie was born in London, Ian told us she was a "local girl".

Her passion was for hedgehogs and always had "houses" out for winter hibernation for "her hedgehogs", even in a care home recovering from an operation she had the nurses leaving food out for the hogs and told them how to make "hog houses".

Vie loved her collection of hedgehogs she had collected (some 100 ornaments), some were left by her side before she passed away. Ian and his brother asked us if we would like to sell this collection (about 70 hedgehog collectibles) to help local hedgehogs in our shop to raise funds. Ian told us they know that his mother would love her collection to be used in this way.

These are high quality, many hand made and most stoneware. They do not have boxes as these were never kept but are in excellent condition. I am unsure how best to sell these stunning hedgehogs. It would be really nice if they were all to go to one home, but we are making plans to sell them individually. If anyone is interested please let me know (

Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary (



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