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Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary will be at the Childwickbury Christmas Market 2019!

Writer's picture: Hedgehog SanctuaryHedgehog Sanctuary

Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary have very kindly been invited to the Childwickbury Christmas Market 2019! We are super excited and can't wait to see you all there :D

We will be chatting to everyone on how to help the hedgehogs and raising awareness of the troubles they are facing. We will also be selling some lovely craft items and wildlife habitats and food. There will be some really nice Christmas gifts for those that love the hedgehogs :D

It would be wonderful to see you there!

More information can be found at the Childwickbury website:

On the 23rd and 24th November the Childwickbury Estate will open its gates for the 11th annual Childwickbury Christmas Market. The beautifully restored 19th century horse-stalls and tack rooms provide a unique setting for a wide variety of Christmas gifts including fine art, stained glass, jewellery, quilts, clothing, tableware, pottery, food gifts and much more.

As usual, the Childwickbury Christmas Market will be offering unique gifts of high quality for sale so why not start your 2019 Christmas shopping season with us? Fresh cooked food, drinks and mulled wine will be also available all weekend.

WHERE Childwickbury Estate, Harpenden Road (A1081), St. Albans AL3 6JU (‘Childwickbury’ for best Sat Nav directions)

WHEN Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th November 2019 Open 10am – 5pm

Free Entry & Free Parking Dogs welcome on leads



It is important to note that the photos you see of hedgehogs on this website are taken while a hedgehog is in rehabilitation and DO NOT reflect the natural habit of a wild hedgehog. They are nocturnal.


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Registered Charity No.  1190048

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