A partnership project between Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary and The Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust has raised more than £1,300 for wildlife and helped spread awareness about the risks facing hedgehogs.

This year, the two charities have run nine hedgehog workshops for adults and children at the Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary in Harpenden. Participants could learn about the preferred habitat and diet of hedgehogs, why they’re in decline and how to help them in their own garden. They were also able to meet a rescue hog and find out about basic hedgehog care and handling.

The proceeds from the workshops are split equally between the two charities. Following their huge popularity this year, the charities are planning a new programme of similar events in 2020. Hedgehogs are struggling and in the past decade alone, they have declined by nearly one third. Today, there are thought to be fewer than one million left in the UK. The main causes for their decline are habitat loss and a decrease in food sources.
We'd like to thank everyone who attended the events and thank them for their support. Special thanks also to Emma Matthars of Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust for her help in organising the events. This is a huge amount of money for the Charity and will go along way to helping the hedgehogs we rehabilitate.

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