A big thank you to Councillor Paul de Kort from Harpenden Liberal Democrats for his kind support in helping the local wild hedgehogs. Councillor Paul de Kort had visited the sanctuary previously and was very concerned about the plight our wild hedgehogs currently face.
These gardens will be designed specifically for hedgehogs which have unfortunately become blind through old injuries or are vulnerable having missing limbs. These gardens will be permanent residency for at least four hedgehogs we are unable to release fully back in to the wild. They will be designed to give the hedgehogs as much of a wild life as possible with minimal human interference.
We anticipate work to begin a couple of months from now but it may be towards next year weather dependant.
You can see more information by following this post on what each of the gardens will look like: https://www.hornbeamwood.org.uk/post/looking-for-quotes-for-hedgehog-garden-work-based-in-harpenden-hertfordhsire-please-share
Thank you to Hertfordshire County Council for our successful application to raise funds for this project.
Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary (http://www.hwhs.org.uk)
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