Pep, a male hedgehog that came in from a rescue last week has officially made the grand opening of our new "Hogs Supermarket"!

We'd like to thank everyone who has supported us with donations recently, so many of you have been so kind to the hedgehogs :) I have wanted to build this for the hedgehogs (and me) for ages now and decided to dedicate a week to finally constructing and wiring up everything.

I used recycled wood for most of the construction but purchased lots of 12v flood lights, wire, solar charger and solar panel, felt for the roof, and other bits like screws and such. Your donations have helped to pay for much of this new Hogs Supermarket (the shed).

The new shed allows me to prepare all the food for the hedgehogs in the outside hedgehog rehabilitation pens. It also means I can store 4 bails of hay so I don't need to run it in every day from the "Hedgehog Bedding Store", which is a little trek away from this new building.

I've also installed lots of 12v solar lights to shed some light on the areas around the hedgehog pens so I can now see what I'm doing :) As it will soon get dark very early I was desperate to finish this off before then. The electric had an initial cost to it but essentially is free from now on!

The base of the shed has old pallets as the floor with a few pine boards to stand on and cladding to all sides. The roof is solid chip board and the work benches are plyboard.

I have all the bits I need in there such as scales, a few medical supplies, food, towels, and newspapers. Basically everything I need to feed the hogs outside and clean the pens out.

Thank you everyone for your support!