We just received a huge £220 donation via our GoFundMe page from Paul Naismith on behalf of Friends of Rural Harpenden (FORH)! What a very generous thing for Paul to do :D Thank you so much!
Paul wrote a comment "Paul Naismith donated £220 - This donation is from Friends of Rural Harpenden (FORH) in appreciation of the great work that you do. All best wishes."

I setup this GoFundMe page in May 2018 with a goal of £250. The money raised was used in part, for material costs of custom rehabilitation pens last year that the Scouts very kindly made for us. £100 of these donations went to the Scouts for them to buy the materials needed which was split between two groups Cubs/Scouts. The rest of the very kind donations went to the hedgehogs to buy food. We did not quite make the goal last year but we were close! But, now we have exceeded that goal!
This £220 donation from Paul will be used in part to buy some materials such as paint, felt, and screws so I can fix some old hutches that are falling to bits ready for the winter months. The rest of this donation will go to the hedgehogs for more critical food such as puppy powder milk and mouse meat for injured hedgehogs. There should also be enough to buy some consumables such as latex gloves and milton tablets (we go through hundreds of these!).
Thank you Paul!