I have just ordered two small Brinsea TLC-30 Eco Intensive Care Unit Incubators for both injured hedgehogs and baby hoglets going through rehabilitation at Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary.

Frances joined us at Childwickbury Christmas Market this year selling lots of her beautiful hand made knits. Frances raised a massive amount of money for the hedgehogs and these two incubators are part of that fundraiser!
This is fantastic news for the hedgehogs we rehabilitate! These incubators are life savers for the hogs and are used almost continuously at Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary.

This now brings the total amount of incubators we have up to five! I'm chuffed to bits and can't wait to plug them in and start using them :D
Thank you so much to everyone who bought Frances's knits at Childwickbury Christmas Market and though her orders (https://www.facebook.com/frizknits).