Thank you to the 7th St Albans Rangers for helping at the sanctuary recently as part of their community day. 20 girls in all, split in to smaller groups to help with various tasks outside. They did a superb job completing lots of projects within the few hours they were there :D

Completed tasks included:
- Moving old decking boards that were piled up next to the disabled toilet block
- Painted the disabled toilet block ramp and part of the inside
- Painted the overwintering shed windows
- Painted an entire stable building
- Raked clear hedge cuttings from the ground
- Piled up wood and twigs that had fallen from trees in the woods to create paths and wildlife habitats
- Moved some sapplings from inside an old stable and replanted them

A special thanks to Susanna for organising and helping on the day.

Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary (
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